Techcrunch is taking another shot at a sitting and injured duck

Posted by | November 29, 2007 | Pay Per Post

Techcrunch is taking another shot at a sitting and injured duck to make easy headline. By commenting about PPP in a negative way he knows that loads of bloggers will read his post and possibly link back to the post (link bating on a higher level).

Last week Techcrunch had a poll if they should have PPP ads on the site and off course they would never do that now when they know what will happen with the PageRank and off course they got loads of back links and readers.

I do not understand the difference if you have a category saying SPONSORED POST or THIS POST IS PAYING MY KIDS or you have Adsense or other ads (like Techcrunch) the blog is sponsored both ways. Sure if you hide the advertising then its bad but if you clearly and openly tell your readers that this post is paid then I do not see the problem. Most PPP users did that but I guess Google wanted to stop people from buying PageRank in the same way they stopped people from buying rank in directory but here it affected over 80 000 bloggers not just a few directory owners.

Google should if they have any credibility left go out and comment to the users what the new rules are with PageRank and PPP

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