When Microsoft installs a green bar in Internet Explorer you going to loose traffic

Posted by | December 20, 2006 | Internet Explorer, Microsoft, Traffic

Microsoft is installing a green bar in the new Internet Explorer
This is for consumers to know that this is a good company. But the problem is for now only big or huge companies like Microsoft, Ebay, paypal and other sites like that is going to get a green bar.

All small and medium companies with not the right connections that trying to get a green are forced to have a yellow bar that means not rated.

If you get a red bar that means your website is doing something dodgy and then you going to have a serious problem getting any traffic at all.

So what can you do in the mean time before you get a green bar?

You can use secure payment like Google or Paypal.

Do a safe Https site when needed

Have Privacy and about us pages

Make sure your code is correct and secure

Do not like to any wares, cracking or hacking sites and make sure your any of those sites are linking to you.

You can also write to Microsoft and tell them you do not want this to happen because you are a small website and you are going to loose out to the big guys (sounds familiar). If they have to do a rating system then it should be for all to join and not a 2 year waiting period. In a worst case scenario they can simple say “advertise with us and we approve you”.

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