Banned from Adsense using Youtube
Google Adsense blog gave me something to think about last week. I have recently asked Google Adsense customers support (since the forum is just full wish spam) what video I can show from my website, if all video from is safe.
The answer was that all videos from were safe and I could show them with Adsense. But I have seen many street fight videos on so how does that work with this statement from Google Adsense blog.
• Adult or mature: Includes, but is not limited to, images and videos containing sexual activity, full nudity, and lewd poses.
• Violent or gory: Can include images and videos of street-fighting, people hurting each other, or gruesome accidents and their victims.
• Culturally insensitive or hate speech: Includes content promoting racial intolerance or advocating against a specific individual, group, or organization.
Let me know if Google have banned your sites for using videos on your site.
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Comment made by Kevin on Feb 12th 2008 at 17:11:
Its possible google banned one of my sites for youtube videos. Do you think drinking games would be against T.O.S.? Sent them a letter on the 26 December and 10 more after and still no reply. Disabled my email as well. Adbrite and bidvertisor now, but not as much luck.