Googles Income-Generating Schemes

Posted by | February 22, 2007 | Uncategorized

Google’s Income-Generating Schemes

Google actually has programs that let web masters earn extra cash with just a little hard work. Google Adsense and Google Adwords are two of the most profitable program for web site owners and affiliate marketers.

Making Money through Google Adsense

Earning through Google Adsense is very simple. What you need to do is sign up for a Google Adsense account. After your application has been approved, you will need to allot a portion of your web page for Google Adsense paid links. Every time a visitor to your site clicks on any of these Google-supplied links, you will get paid a portion of the income the owner of these ads will pay Google. In a nutshell, Google pays you for some advertising space and clicks.

The links that will be posted on your page will depend on the page’s content. If your site talks about toys, then Google may feed your Google Adsense space with ads for toy companies. Your exact share of the amount paid Google by the advertisers remains a mystery, but generally, the absolute amount you will earn will depend on the content you display. That is, the more your content jives with high-paying keyword ads, the higher your potential Google Adsense payout is likely to be.

Making Money through Google Adwords

Actually, Google Adwords cost money. However, you can work it so that you earn money instead. Do not worry; this is all aboveboard and legitimate. This method just requires some affiliate marketing savvy.

You can earn money by becoming an independent affiliate marketer for a certain web site or for a set of web sites. The easiest way is by visiting a web site like clickbank which offers a varied range of affiliate marketing programs. Set up an account, choose the affiliate marketing programs you wish to join, and create an ad for each web site you wish to promote.

At this point, I would like to interject that you must design your ads in such a way as to entice internet users to click on them. This can be attained by creating short and concise ads that target specific customers. To get some ideas on what your ads will contain, visit the web sites you’re promoting. Focus on the solutions they provide your target consumers and you’re going to get a higher click through rate.

Finally, bid for Google keywords. The keywords you choose should be something Google searchers are likely to use in connection with the web sites you’re promoting. Your bid amount per click must be commensurate to your clickbank income structure. If you get paid for every click regardless of whether or not the clicker becomes your affiliate partner’s customer, then you can be more liberal in your bids. However, if you get paid only through sales commissions, you must be more conservative in your bidding.

After you have your keyword and you have set up your Google Adwords account, your Google Adwords will begin generating clicks for you which will generate you your clickbank income. A portion of this income will be used to pay for your Google Adwords obligations while the remainder is yours free and clear.

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