27 tips for your blog
There is always basic thing that you should do to make sure that your blog keep up with the rest of the similar blogs out there. Sponsoredreviews.com that also pays for this blog have bundle up 27 plus plus basic tips for your blog. They take up things like spelling and yes sure spelling is a must Google like god spelled blogs and website. If you do not have Microsoft Word program you can always download a free Open Office 2.0 or Firefox also have free spelling.
One thing that they might forget when talking about spelling is to make sure there is not to few and not to many keywords in your post. If you do a search for keyword tools there are many that can help you on the right track. If you have many Google might think you are spamming the blog with junk words.
One cool thing is that they forget to mention it will sure make people come to your site. When you browse in to all blogs your photo and name will be in the top and if people want to know more about your blog they will visit it as well. Its a very cool and easy way to get traffic.
Another thing that they mentioned is that you should Digg your own posts but I do not think that is a good idea at all. You might get caught and then all your posts and sites will be banned for all time. Better you add them to stumble on a free Plug in for Firefox. You can stumble on other sites and vote on them and other people will do the same with your site.
Last you should not forget to post your blog to some of the many directories that are on the internet. Make sure they have a good page rank and do not add your site to many directories it will just be taken as spam.
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