Avoiding the Pitfalls of Google Adwords
Avoiding the Pitfalls of Google Adwords
Google Adwords is Google’s advertising program. Registering your ads through Adwords lets your advertisements reach your market easily. Ads registered to Adwords are posted on sites that are members of Google’s Adsense and Google’s Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Remember though that you this is a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) scheme. Meaning, you are spending money for every prospect that goes to your site via Google’s member sites. You should try to devise a way to ensure that you’re not paying more than you earn.
Conversion Ratio
PPC advertising is a very competitive field. To succeed, you should manage your ads to produce a relative gain from it and not just pay for the clicks. The best monitoring scheme to help you with this is to monitor the ratio of the clicks to the converted customers produced. This is called your conversion ratio. If this ratio is out of your ideal target you should consider revising your approach. The ideal conversion ratio should depend on the price per click to the profit per click that you get.
To maximise your conversion ratio always see to it that a certain visitor has been provided with enough convincing information before he/she is led to the merchant’s field. The convenience of directly leading ads link to the merchant tempts most Adwords subscriber to do this. What they don’t understand is that merchant sites are meant to supply the product and not to convince your prospect to buy. Thus, always ensure that a certain amount of convincing has been done before leading a visitor to the merchant’s page.
Honesty is Still the Best Policy
Don’t ever state that a certain product or service is free if it is not. Be as honest as possible in the contents of your ad. Your ads links are not quick fixes to lead visitors to your site. They should be selling tools as well. Remember that you are putting ads not to increase site traffic but to sell. Placing attractive but untrue information on your ads will only make a visitor click your link but not avail of your product. Meaning you pay for the click but don’t get any compensation from it. Continue this and you will be losing the battle 100%.
Don’t Stop Clicking Too Soon
You may also think that setting your daily budget low is a good idea to save money. Your daily budget is the limit of clicks that could be done on your link in a day. Limiting the clicks might help you save money but it will also limit your ability to reach customers.
For a successful Adwords campaign, do not to limit your budget but monitor it. If you are just beginning to use Adwords as an advertisement medium, start with a relatively high daily budget. This will enable you to introduce your product or service to a maximum number of visitors. However, make sure that you monitor the conversion rate of your site as to manage your daily budget in the future. This is an experimental stage and there ought to be no shortcuts.
Never bid on commonly searched keyword if you don’t want your clicks to go to waste. The same as falsely making your product attractive, the use of commonly searched keywords only increases traffic but does not ensure an increase in revenue. Aside from these two mistakes you should never bid for the top position on the search engine result page. Again, you are not using Adwords to increase traffic but to sell.
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