Difficult to start with PR 0

Posted by | May 3, 2007 | Traffic

Hurdling the PR of 0 Barrier

PR or page rank is a numerical measure that allows Google to determine a websites level of relevance to a given keyword. A site’s page rank may come with a value from 1-10 depending on Google’s deliberation. There are of course various bases for the resulting page rank of a given site. Most of these factors are kept confidential by Google.

Zero PR and Link Building

A PR of 0 is given to sites still under deliberation by Google. A PR of 0 will also be given to newly submitted sites before indexing and to old sites every quarter when Google recalculates the site’s PR.

A PR of 0 has certain disadvantages. That is why there’s such a thing called as the PR of 0 barriers. The problem with having a PR of 0 comes when you are in the process of looking for partner sites. If you want a link exchange from a certain site, a PR of 0 will most likely make a prospect partner site skeptical.

It is very important for partner sites to know the page rank of a partner site before authorizing a link exchange. The relevance of a certain site to its link partner is very important in getting a good PR. Just take for instance the fact that if your site contains information regarding real estate opportunities, you should find links that are relevant to your site’s content like real estate company sites and real estate vendor sites. A quality site link will lead you to a good PR. So will a site with a good PR. So as an effect sites that have relevant contents with respect to your website will look at your PR before giving permission for an exchange link.

Now here is the thing, if you have the PR of 0 then it is likely that your prospect site will not approve your link exchange request. This is obviously because of the probability that your site will have a low rank after the deliberation. Obtaining a low PR will drag your partner site’s PR down too. So web masters avoid approving link exchanges with sites with the PR of 0. This will cause you an amount of headache especially if you are just posting a new website. But there are some tricks to overcome this difficulty.

Getting Around Zero PR

Whether you are on PR 0 or not you will be needing quality links to your site where you will get quality traffic while your site is being deliberated. This links will also be useful after you got you PR rating. To get links without dwelling on the PR issue is tough but there are always ways to get it. Try to start by being personal on your requests. If you know a web master, try to get in touch with him personally through email, phone calls and even through a face-to-face meeting.

Another option to try in order to get quality links is by one way linking through forums and articles. Post active links while submitting messages in forums that are relevant to your site. Or you could pass some articles to information sites containing topics related to the contents of your website. This option will not provide you with very high traffic but it will certainly provide you with quality traffic.

If both options fail try the quantity approach. There are tools in the net that could help you automate your search for related partners. Now you can apply to a number of sites everyday. Try to set a goal in applying for exchange links. Since most sites require taking a peep at your PR rating before considering your application, don’t expect a lot of responses. But getting one out of 50 applications is better than not getting any.

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