The gold rush on Adword vs. Adsense is almost over there is new sheriff in town

Posted by | November 11, 2006 | Adword

Google adword just got the word out the 7 of Nov that they are not only updating there algorithm for Google Serach, but these quality scores will now also affect what shows in their content network your sites and mine that make money showing Adsense.

On their blog they declared that they are cleaning up not only the search results but the overall Adsense results. People that run none quality pages better run for cover and take your losses. It is time to go back to the computer and make quality pages.

Basically people with AdSense pages driving traffic from Adword with low cost keyword to get money from High paying key word on their sites, just forget about it ok the gold rush is over.

You can see one off my best gold rush sites it is not pretty but it made money. It is about sending free SMS to different countries.

There is small stuff you can do like contact info, privacy policies and having uniqe content on your site and that will get the quailty score up. To find out what Google Adword really wants from you check out this guideline from Google.

For serious Adword advertisers this will benefit them since the cost for some key word will go down when the non quality pages are pushed back. Lets say its was Google Christmas present, nothing for the bad boys and better quality for the good guys.

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