Google and me talk about sex

Posted by | July 19, 2007 | adsense-rules

I got a pretty good answer from the people in the Adsense Team yesterday. I was asking them about a site that I saw have Adsense ads and if that site was ok because I have a similar once. Basically they told me the normal stuff about adult and sex but then they went funny and ask if a child of 7 years would find it disturbing and on that question I must say yes.

So next time you site get kicked out from Google Adsense remember that it was a 7 year old girl working for Google that did it.

Here is a copy of the email

Dear Google Addict!

Thanks for following up with us. I’ll be happy to provide clarification of
our policy regarding adult/mature content.

Our policy regarding adult/mature content may include any material that is
not appropriate for all audiences. While this obviously includes full
nudity or sexual activity, it may also include textually explicit sexual
content, some treatments of topics such as sexual health and sex tips, and
image or video content containing lewd or provocative poses, strategically
covered nudity, see-through or sheer clothing, and close-ups of breasts,
butts, or crotches.

While it’s not a sure test, we sometimes suggest that publishers ask the
following questions to determine if content is family safe: Would I be
comfortable viewing this content in the same room with my mother or
father? daughter or son? seven year old sister? If the answer to any of
these questions is no, then it is likely that some advertisers would not
be comfortable showing their ads on such content and we might consider it

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