Halloween the movie on You Tube

Posted by | August 8, 2007 | Green Posts

Soon its Halloween and what better then to celebrate with a new Halloween movie. The new movie Halloween the movie that Rob Zombie both directed and wrote will come out in time for Halloween.

In my home country Halloween is not celebrated like her in the USA but very peaceful and quit visiting graves of dead once and remembers the dead. Now I think they even moved Halloween to another day just so people will not party and disturb people that want to celebrate Halloween the old way.

On Halloween TV shows a lot of scary movies and I still remember one movie it was in black and white and old but I thought it was so scary. It had a old women popping out from the painting all the time and I still remember that as very scary even if it was like 20 years ago or something, ohh that’s even more scary that means I must be over 30 now then.

If you are in to Halloween costumes, party and scary movies take a look at this You Tube clip from the movie Halloween the movie and let me know what you think is it scary enough for you or not?

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