Is this a scam some one paid me 0.01
I got 0.01 $ on my Pay Pal account and i have no idea who this person is and why i got the money.
Total Amount: $0.01 USD
Currency: U.S. Dollars
Transaction ID: 8V880270GB3465232
Quantity: 1
Item/Product Name: Test Package
Buyer: Thomas Krieber
I asked in DP Forum what the guys thought about it and they had different ideas.
It is scam he I is doing a chargeback and knowing Pay Pal you going to get problem. (very true pay pal is pest)
Keep the money and keep quiet about it! (Too late I already pinged half the world)
Some one is just testing his account be happy you are the lucky one (true true can be so)
Some one wants to check if you are verified user before he buy something (sure I am verified)
194 total views, 2 today