Maximize the Power of Google AdWords

Posted by | October 3, 2007 | Adword

Maximize the Power of Google AdWords

In the brick-and-mortar world of advertising, ‘big is better’: bigger billboards are better attention-grabbers; ‘big, spectacular’ TV commercials with lots of special effects and a Steven Spielberg as director is guaranteed to make people sit up and take notice; a full-page, full-color newspaper or magazine ad with spectacular visuals or a well-known ‘face’ or personality will beat out a ¼ page, black and white announcement ad composed of lines of words, no matter how elegantly phrased or humorously written.

This is the ‘real’ world, where the golden rule applies – “He who has the gold, makes the rules.” In other words, the big, multi-billion dollar corporations rule – they have the money, the people and the clout to erect gigantic billboards, buy television and radio airtime to the point that you see and hear nothing but their commercials, sign on movie stars or sports figures to endorse their products through gloriously designed, beautifully photographed newspaper and magazine ads.

The Internet World

But the rules are different in the world of the internet and internet marketing and advertising. The internet is a vast, seemingly limitless level playing field where small businesses can compete on equal terms with multinationals in trying to grab the attention of the purchasing public. In theory, everyone on the internet – backyard business or million-dollar corporations – have the same amount of space (your computer screen) to make their pitch and close the sale.

This is the reason why the internet is considered to be ‘the great leveler’ in modern marketing and advertising. Everyone – big or small – has the same opportunity and the same amount of space to grab someone’s attention, make their pitch, and close the sale.

In other words, you have as much chance as anyone else to get your name and product ‘out there’ – get people to take a look at what you offer and buy your wares. At the end of the day, sales are what really matter – and it is making that first contact with an interested buyer that sets the stage for the sale.

The Google Adwords Contact

One way to make ‘first contact’ with an interested buyer is through Google AdWords – and for the same reason: your small business has the same amount of Adwords space as a major corporation such as Miller or Coca-Cola.

Google AdWords are four lines long and every single advertisement has the same number of lines. The problem however, is that too many businesses use the same approach in filling up these lines – which results in too many ads looking almost exactly the same.

The key is to make a difference. Here are some tips to help make your AdWords leap off the screen, grab a prospective buyer by the throat and tell him (or her) “Check this site out!”

Implement AIDA and Stand Out

Advertising and marketing people call it the “AIDA principle:” Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. In other words, GRAB Attention, Make them INTERESTED, CREATE Desire, and have them TAKE ACTION. Keep these principles in mind when creating your AdWords ad and you’re sure to stand out.

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