Google Adword promise of unlimited Analytic is not true
Google Adword promise of unlimited Analytic is not true
Google Analytic promise about unlimited Analytic accounts was is not for real. I have over 200 domains and I can only add 50 to analytic. Sure I can open another Gmail account and then I can open another Analytic account but then I can not track my sales with Adword.
This is what Google states on the their website
Google Analytics will track as many websites as you own! You’re limited
only by the 5 million pageview limit per month – but even that is
removed if you’re also an active AdWords user. We’ve provided multiple
profiles in your account, so you can view individual reports for
specific domains or subdomains. To learn how to start tracking a new
site, please read How do I add a profile?
This is what they say in the email I get from the support team when I asked them why I only can add 50 accounts.
Thank you for your emails. I understand that you would like to add some
more profiles to your Analytics account. Due to very high demand,
Analytics accounts are currently limited to 50 profiles. We’re working to
increase this number as quickly as possible – thank you for your patience
in the meantime.
Pretty lame I think they should the FAQ to be 50 accounts limit if they can not live up to unlimited.
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