Can not Google stop Spam in their own groups?

Posted by | October 15, 2007 | Adsense, adsense-rules

Can not Google stop Spam in their own groups?

I become a member in one of Google Adsense forums provided by Google to get an answer from them since they hardly answer by email anymore.

First of all the answers I got from members that’s been there much longer then me was totally wrong and could get my Adsense account banned. I asked about some wallpapers sites and if they were ok to have Adsense.

The forum people said “yeah sure no problem” and a week later Google told me to never have copyrighted material on my site.

Secondly the emails I get everyday is full with Indian Escort Girls and Dear sir I have a a fortune I want to give you posts.

Can’t Google clean up their own act on home turf? There must be a easy way to validate your post with a secret code from your Adsense account or something so at least the Google groups does not have spam.

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