Mobile phone addicted community

Posted by | October 24, 2007 | Green Posts

Mobile phone is one of the important things that every people from every range of age need to have. Technology makes the mobile phone a lot modern than before. The mobile phone is not only for receive or make a call but there are a lot of features available in that for the users. It seems more like a computer. I confuse and don’t know some features that my mobile phone has, so I prefer to have a simple one. But why do I have to buy a simple one while they provide high technology mobile phones with reasonable price.

Playing features in mobile phones is same as playing game. It’s fun and more fun if you have company to join with. I share and download mobile masterpieces with friends through virgin mobile. It’s a wap site that encourages customers also me, to share and download masterpieces with others. You pay when you need new ring tone or wallpaper. Vice versa, if you create ring tone or wallpaper and some people like it, you will get paid. It’s not only about fun but creative activities that you can share, download and get paid from the things you create. I love to join them but only be able to download from others’ ideas, I’m thinking of creating my own ring tone or wallpaper. If anyone is good and have creative idea about mobile phone, join it. There’s nothing to lose.

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