Dodgeball Social networking software

Posted by | November 2, 2007 | Google Acquisition

Dodgeball is a social networking software provider for mobile devices. Users text their location to the service, which then notifies them of crushes, friends, friends’ friends and interesting venues nearby. From the beginning it was just a friendship meeting service like let’s meet for lunch and thing like that if you are in the area. The company was acquired by Google in May 2005.

There are two main services of Dodgeball which are Location- based services and mobile dating. First, Location-based services are about helping people find the nearest business or service, such as ATM or restaurant by wireless carriers and their partners which provide information specific to a location. The Second mobile dating is a great service when people can meet people outside the computer room.
Anyway, Dodgeball is in Google groups in financial term of undisclosed until now.

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