Learned more things from Dirkut SEO blog
I love to read new blogs and I always add them in my RSS if there is something I can learn from them. I also always think they have nicer blogs then me and I guess most of the time they are right.
Today I found this blog Dirkut.com it is a webmaster blog and it writes about the same things as I on my Google blog.
I learned many things from this SEO blog and I realized that I had missed to claim my 5000 extra points in a link network and I also found the image script I been looking for in WordPress.
Even if you think you are the best write in the world and you know everything there is about SEO there is also something new to learn in a another SEO blog like this.
One other thing that I think was very important I saw how you could impellent Paid post much nicer then I have been doing it until now check the blog out you see what I mean.
I be sure to add this blog RSS to my Google Desktop right away
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