Make a free backup online

Posted by | April 9, 2012 | Free

To make money you need to spend money, well in this case the backup is free. You never regret doing a backup from your computer. After your system crash you will reget NOT getting a free backup.


Just cloud is an online storage service provider who provides us unlimited space for creating back up to secure our document or folder. It is easy to use and customer friendly that’s why millions of people around the world chooses just cloud to store their valuable documents, pictures, files or folders etc.


When we are talking about storing your valuable documents into another place a wise
Questions how secure your document from hacking or stealing” comes first in your mind.
You will happy to know that millions of people around the world choose just cloud because of their fully professional security system and it will be encrypted.

You can manage your document easily from just cloud. There are no special requirements to manage your document and it is accessible from anywhere at any time from anywhere all around the world.

There are three easy steps to complete the procedure after complete the charge free registration process to store your records or document in just cloud. These steps are
1. Just choose your document or file through the browsing from your device like computer, laptop etc.
2. After the selection of your document you have to upload it on just cloud.
3. And last of all you can browse it anywhere at any time from any device like PC, laptop, mobile phone device etc. And you can enjoy it forever.


With every just cloud account comes some features that make this simple service super advanced. And because of having these facilities just cloud is a most familiar to millions of people around the world.
1. Unlimited Storage.
2. 100% automated Backup.
3. Encrypted and Secure.
4. Access Files from Anywhere.

In an age where almost anything can be found in the internet for free, movies are one of the most popular. People get to share different kinds of data through the internet basically anytime and anywhere. However, there’s no such a thing as a free lunch like they say. Sharing of data such as movies, music, software or programs are being prohibited by law and is thus punishable by it. People can I fact go to jail for it although small time offenders usually just pay fines. With the billions of people that download stuff from the internet everyday, it is highly likely that these small time movie producers would get to chase a good deal of movie pirates throughout the internet receive a great amount of money from the fines the law suits that would be filed would give them as well.

The thing about this though is that the real motives of these lawsuits are being questioned. It seems as if it is not really the act of illegally downloading these movies is not the real deal but the amount of money that the fines would generate is what the main point is.

Although they are coursing through legal process per se, the morality of the entire issue is sketchy. While they have every right to file these lawsuits against the people who illegally download their movies, it still remains a fact that most of these downloaders are individual cases that involves teenagers who barely understand the seriousness of their actions. For all they know, everyone is doing it and it’s more popularly known as torrenting or file sharing which do not sound legal.

Wipe the competition from Google

Posted by | January 13, 2010 | Google

Now you can wipe out the competitors from Google with Goggles toilet paper. I am not sure Google search is totally ok with the name of the brand name on a toilet paper but Vietnam does not have those strong copyright laws. I am sure Google will sending a bus loads of lawyers of to Vietnam to try to them to close the factory that makes the paper.

wipe google

wipe google