I remember when I was younger I used to play RPG or role playing game all night. But then I did not use my computer I used dices and paper. Now if you are interested in Role Playing Games you can download them free from the internet. I found this of many http://www.phelios.com very interesting there is a free download for both Mac and pc and it is called Magic Stone.
This might come as a surprise to you but most click-exchange programs are against the Adsense rules. They don’t allow any artificially generating ad impressions or clicks. So basically all third-party services such as paid-to-click, paid-to-surf, auto-surf, and click-exchange programs can get you banned from Adsense.
The Adsense won’t answer what programs or alternative are ok either so its better to totally stay away from this kind of things. Google Search engine have also lately also started clamp down on people that take money for links and those how paid for them it been alot of talk about the Web directory penalizations
Eudora have finally started to make the 8.0 version after they finished the normal Eudora at the version 7.1 for Windows. They then started working with Penelope Mozilla. I downloaded the first beta version and it went ok. The program looks similar to Eudora but with a Mozilla touch.
But when I tried to import the different category it did not work that well it just lined all the email account in one long line and not sorted like in my old Eudora. Another problem was that I could not find the attachments folder in the program folder.
If you install the 8.0 Penelope it will not overwrite the Eudora it will just replace it on the start menu. If you want to take the old one back just go to System Folder and Pin that one to the start menu with a right click. The new version is off course Free to download