You kind of think you are to old when you hear a 17 year old girl making millions on My Space. It’s really funny I sit here making scrap dollar on my sites and she is making millions one simple site that she does from her basement. I am not jealous, yes I am and I should be she looks to have much more fun then me and she laughs all the way to the bank when she cash her Adsense check.
It really makes you think that you should make 1 site and one site only and not 200 like I do. I know I told myself so many times I should stop the other sites and concentrate on site at the time but I can not stop buying domains its like an addiction.
But after this story about the 17 year old girl making millions on one site I will have a rethink and start fresh tomorrow.
Everybody knows that Chinese is the new language to learn and are you ready to make your website in Chinese language. The Chinese dragon will fly at the top in 2008 when they will host the Olympic Games and will just go on growing after that.
If you not work on the internet but maybe just manufacture and want to import or sell something to China you need to learn the language.
It is also a matter of time, do you have time to study all over and learn a new language? Yes you can according to the Times in New York there is one person that can teach you Mandarin quicker then anybody else.
Yao Zhang, the founder of Quick Mandarin ( says that he can teach anyone Mandarin in a relative short period of time. It is move like the Buddhist pro verb “When a student is ready the teacher appearsâ€
Quick Mandarin have the following classes where you can learn Chinese New York
• Group Classes (Learn Chinese with a small group)
• Private Tutoring (Learn Chinese one on one)
• Executive Training (Learn Chinese for business)
• Cultural Awareness Training
Yao Zhang emphasizes that the student should not only learn how to read and write they should get to know the culture as well. What good is the language skills if you make your business partner embarrassed on the first meeting?
My server was down or had problem yesterday and off course the server company does not send out emails to tell you they are down they want to avoid you knowing it as much as possible off course.
But I have Adword adverting and when my server is down and I am sleeping then I loose money with Adword because people will come to an empty sight.
If you use FireFox you can download this little plug in that will check the server uptime and let you know when it comes back online. It also checks for 404 errors and other database problem.
Its free and you can get it here.