A really cool competitor to all the social bookmarking pages has reached the market it is Thoof.com and they give you personalized news and that is something other social bookmarking pages does not do. I was really impressed with the easy design of the page and that everything was running so smooth.
You can personalize the stories you will see on the never ending page of new stories coming to your computer. If you do not think the story is for you can improve the ThoofRank of the story and help others and your self to better find what you are looking for.
To sign up and send stories to them is easy all you have to do is give them your email and then you can start submitting trough there very easy system. They base much on tags so be really carfull on what tags you are picking. The reads will rate on the tage and suggest others tage if they like to imporve their and others reading experince. Hopfully this system will work better then the other social bookmarking pages comments since that is just full with bad words and nasty stuff now.
If you want to give your site a extra boost now is the change since Thoof is marketing themselves strongly you can have a success with them.
Donald Trump is the man of the century he has done it all from building an empire and going bankrupt and building an even bigger empire. He have published many books, done TV series and last week I saw a movie about his life. Now he is opening real estate training in his University. Maybe you can learn how to build a internet empire.
You will have classes
Find and Purchase Income Producing Properties — with Instructor
The Real Estate Investor Training Program
Understand Real Estate Finance — with Instructor
There is both Online classes and Audi courses.
On the site you can listen to Donald Trump Podcast and read his blog and you can chat with customer support if you any questions.
My friend has checked out the people in ClickBank and if they are as good as they say they are. First of all the affiliate system they use does not guarantee you anything it is not sure you will get paid since it depends on if the person using your link or not the time of the buy. ClickBank cookies have been known to not work.
When my friend tried to get out the money he have made they told him that he need to sold something to one person from different credit card. If everybody was using Visa to buy for example he would not get his money. He has 300 $ to get out from them now and he still has not get any money since 6 month back.
I really think you should consider this before you dedicate to much time on them but sure if you sell you make good money but will you get them.
To answer the question that i got from one reader yes you can have Clickbank and Adsense in the same page.