Great online coupon saving

Posted by | August 3, 2007 | Green Posts

I know it’s a bit left to the big holidays like First Halloween, then Thanksgiving but maybe it its time to look for stuff to buy anyway and what can be better to get free promo codes before shopping.

As I am a great pet lover and think pets should have a holiday as well and I always buy them some extra pet food for all the holidays. At my favorite pet shop you can get 70 % of the normal price.

If you want to have a short holiday trip then I should go visit the Nasa Space Center just for a few days it is something all Americans should do.

If you using Adsense I am sure you want to know all the time how much money you are making. You can ask Google to send you an email every day but still it is not enough is it? You want to the see the earnings to rice all day, am I right? As a Google Addict I know what it means to be in need of constant reassuring that your Adsense is ticking in the money.

The Airbear Software is the answer to your prayer. It will together with Google Desktop display your most vital info all day always updated. The only problem is that is sometimes is buggy and show invalid password and log in and it makes you jump high and think that your Google Adsense account have been disabled. Most time just reload and the Airbear Software Adsense Status will fix the log in.

I have basic change server 2 times in my life. I like to change servers because the support tends to be worse the longer you keep the same server and they do not care about old customers as they do with new once.

The first server was just a joke it looked like he did business from his backyard or something. He starts telling me that all the problem that happen on the server was caused by my domains.
The only way that I could fix this was to get a dedicated server he said and off course pay more money. I did a test and moved out all my domains from the server and he did not even check but still blame me even if I did not have a single domain with him.

The second one I changing right now because they start making a lot of problem with the Indian customer service the suddenly hired. Sure people from India is good at some stuff but they do not know customer support as it was their own business they care as much I do for a fly on a elephant back in Africa right now.
Before you change Web Hosting Provider please check stuff like

How many email account can you check in the same time?
Can you run Cron?
Do you have your secure server?
How many other people are sharing the same server?
Does the website allow encrypted script?
Can you run all the script you running now on the new server?

Does not just change take your most difficult domains and test run for a week or so and ask the customer support a lot of questions.