I am having a little but difficult to find the purpose of this blog but I guess its some sort of Webmaster blog with a girl and her way to become a internet mega rich girl (who would not want to become that, rich I mean)
The problem with this blog is where ever I click I come to videos or the same videos. I click different categories and I get up a video and if its not that its a text from some meeting.
My suggestion to have some more text with the videos and structure the text better and tell people what the blog is really for.
This Pilipino blog reminds me of the starting days of HTML when people did not know that much about programming (I still don’t).
It is kind of cute in a way and I still find interesting things to read in there. I said it before and I will say here as well. The beginner goes back to the basic and reminds us old a folk about some easy tricks that we forgotten.
That said it should not hurt with some better layout and another template for the blog and I am also missing a search, social book marking and the so important categories.
Caribbean Web Development is the new website which has been created less than three months but there are a lot of useful articles in there. All useful articles can help you create the new website you want with effective result.
Owning the websites is the interesting job to do and seems like many people want to do that but they don’t know how to start. Caribbean web development is created for that purpose. If you need to do the website, you go for them. Since you own websites, you will have a lot of opportunities to do more money and don’t stop develop with the help from web development. I’m not very good in web development or create the website but I own some websites now because I start work by getting help from the web development service.